How to properly launch a website?

Launching your website should be an exciting event.The reasons behind the launches of new web sites often fail is because :

•You fail to list your website's URL properly in search engines or when you completely ignore the section in URL submission sites that ask you to fill out keywords.

•Your customers can't find the party. This can happen when you decide to go the cheap route and opt for a free hosted domain instead of your own domain name. This is a case where customers can’t find your address. A good example is the person who opts for a split domain, which very often leads a visitor to your host’s site and not to your’s. The free and sites are notorious examples of free websites that offer split domain names for nothing.

•They have found your website address but are greeted with 404 message that that informs you that a site has mysteriously disappeared or been removed. This can also happen because you opted for a free domain name or a host with limited bandwidth.

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